It's been a long while since I have updated you all on our little lives so I figured what better way to start the year.
To recap last year:
We have been diligently working on the house as usual and it is finally paying off having a home that we enjoy coming home to! Our bathrooms still remain "originals" of when we moved in but we will get around to them eventually.
Evan started working at a new Oregano's. He was transferred a couple months ago to Old Town Scottsdale, which I secretly love because that's where I started my Oregano's career so it kind of feels like home there!

As far as my career- I was accepted into Arizona State University's Accelerated Nursing Program, where I have been non stop schooling since May. It has been one of the most difficult tasks I have done in my life but I know come graduation day this August I will be overjoyed and proud that I have accomplished my BSN. My first semester I studied long term care and basic nursing concepts, and this past semester was split in half- the first was consumed with adult health. I had the opportunity to be at Chandler Regional Hospital working on the med/surg floor where I saw my fair share of cellulitis and lots of IV removals (which when it comes down to it is not the most exciting:)). The second half of the semester we studied psych were placed in two different settings- one outpatient and the other inpatient. The inpatient stint was probably the least enjoyable experience ever. Evan can attest that I came home crying more than once. Needless to say I do not think I will have an extensive future in that area.
But the biggest and most amazing venture Evan and I went through last year was finding out that we were pregnant with our first baby girl. We officially found out March 13th that we were pregnant from the ever reliant pregnancy tests. The pregnancy was very successful, she grew fast but perfect. We initially had a slight scare in the second trimester because the doctor found that baby girl's stomach was enlarged and wasn't emptying at the rate that they normally see. After weeks of tests, prayers, some tears, and just time we found out that our little girl was just as perfect as we imagined with no stomach condition. And after 9 long months our little girl arrived!!! Here is a conglomerate of pregnant pictures before our bundle arrived. It is crazy to look back at these now and know that our baby girl was growing that whole time!!

This was the first pair of maternity clothes I bought!

And then BAM! I got huge over night! This was right around 34q weeks pregnant. My wonderful husband arranged for me to get pampered. This was right after I got my hair did, I was the happiest girl in the world. Fact: there is nothing better when you increasing in size by the minute to have someone do your hair

And this is officially the last picture we took before going to the hospital! Two days before she was born!